Monday, December 18, 2006

Check this drawing out!

Pretty cool huhh? Sorry that I haven't posted anything for a while. I've been working on mine and John's blog called Here in Tashban. If you want to check it out, just view my profile and it will list my blogs below my interests and all of that other stuff. It's a really cool blog! We post funny and weird/disturbing pictures that we come across on the image browser. We've got at least 20 posts now. I just finished posting a werewolf pic that I found. If you're not on The Leviathan and you want to see Here in Tashban, the address is DEATH EATER BACKWARDS. Which is- retaehtaed. And of course write ""at the end. Hope you like it!

Monday, December 11, 2006


This was from what I read, a creature of land and sea some how related to the Leviathan. It's name is Lotan. I don't know much about the creature, but it looks cool!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Another Leviathan

Hey guys, this is also a cool one that I almost made my main picture for my "about me".

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Christmas Lizard

Hey guys! Most of you won't get this, but I took this with the book "The Christmas Lizard" in mind. The Christmas Lizard was written by the same guy who directed Hoodwinked, Cory Edwards. Here's the front cover. You can visit his blog from choosing "Cory's Curiosities" on the main page. If you do, look for the picture of him sitting in the car with Chuck E Cheese. It's really funny!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The number 1 comedy

This is personally my favorite comedy. First off, it's a nice clean family movie, and it entertains all with many different clever jokes that don't resort to crude humor which only brings cheap laughs that you don't remember later. There are so many parts in this movie that me and the other kids repeat over and over again because there so ingenious! The directors Cory Edwards and Todd Edwards, have always had a great sense of humor. They actually have already written the sequel to Hoodwinked. I'm not sure what it's called though. But I heard from my dad that it's like the characters go through Mission Impossible type stuff that they said they would do in the end of Hoodwinked. You know, Flipper said that Red would go to far away places, that Granny would do Impossible missions, and that Wolf and Twitchy would be under cover. So it should be really cool! Click on the link to visit the Hoodwinked website.
Visit the site

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Chronicles of Riddick

Hey Guys! I would've put this pic on the post "My new knife", but I had two pictures on it already. The Chronicles of Riddick is one of my favorite action movies of all time! I love all the weapons they use. Such as- His pocket knife, and the pair of those curved hand knives that he uses later on in the movie when there trying to out run the sun after they escaped from prison. It's a great movie! If you want to visit the Riddick website, just click on the link below.
Visit The Riddick website

My new knife

Hey everybody! Check out my new gadget! This baby is one of the coolest knives I've ever seen! It reminds me of the one that Vin Diesel uses in "The Chronicles of Riddick" in the beginning fight scene on "Helium Prime" Oh man! I would give anything for a pair of those eyes! They're so cool! I wish I could see in the dark. That would be useful.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My 14'th birthday!

I don't know how we get so lucky with the camera, we just seem to always take the picture at a weird moment. Well anyway, four days ago ,I had my birthday on Nov' 10 at my house with a few friends. It was really fun! For my big present from my parents, I got a silver iPod mini with a really nice protective "DIC" case and a pair of those earphones that come with the iPod. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw it! I'm so glad to finally have a mini. The iPod was actually mom's. But my dad traded his green mini for mom's silver to give to me since he's waiting for the new version of the "video iPod" to come out in about another year. For the time being though, he just bought the new shuffle that I think is actually really cool! I'm so happy!

Monday, November 06, 2006

John's iPod

The iPod is one of the main things in John's life. He's usually found with it stuck up his ear even when it's not playing. John likes Disturbed, Linkin Park,Seether and much more bands that I can't remember the names of. The only band that he seemed to like that I gave him was Disturbed. I have another band though that I'd like to share with him, they're called Showbread. They actually just came out with a new album called "Age Of Reptiles", It's more around the alternative/rock genre.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hee Hee!

Haa Haa Haaa! I don't think that she liked this one very much! Now that's something that she wasn't expecting! I think she wanted me to delete this pic, but I couldn't resist! I put a better picture of her on here so she wouldn't get so mad LOL!

!!It's Matthew!!

This is my friend Matthew that has just recently joined the "Homeschooling group" after being tortured by all the people in charge at his last "Public School" but mainly the yard duties that had their fingers stuck up their nose half the time Matt would try to explain situations to them.

That's Carolyn

That's Carolyn one of my Homeschooling friends from "Park day". This is the better picture I told you about. She also got fed up with the public school system.

That's Evan?!?

I can't think of any words to explain this picture....I'm sorry.

My new symbol

This is the "Evil Creatures" symbol/tattoo design made by "Tribal shapes" that make all the designs for tattoos. I'm going to see if I can make a shirt our of it. I'm thinking of like white on black in the middle of the shirt. That would be so cool!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Visit the KoRn website!

KoRn, is one of the top 100 bands on AOL music for there last outstanding album "See You On The Other Side"Presenting "Twisted Transistor, and Coming Undone". Click on the link below to visit their site!
Visit the site

Some people just aren't early risers.

This is Bettie sleeping in on a Saturday morning. It's already 2:00 in the afternoon! Ok maybe this picture was staged but it's still funny! I had had Bettie for a least 4-5 months already. The picture was taken last year, before I had moved my bed over next to the window.

Keeper of the throne

This is McKenna's beautiful Siamese cat Asia. She's taken a liking to sleeping there. So dad comes home to a hairy warm chair. And if dad happens to be in her chair, she keeps looking at him until he makes room for her.

Monday, October 09, 2006

She's hungry!

Yeah! That's Bettie eating out of the Mealworm dish. She's searching for the big juicy ones but she probably already ate them all.

The two year olds are the most dangerous!

Yep! That's what happens when you turn your back on Madeline for more than a minute. I remember mom trying to keep a strait face while telling Madeline NO.

Wants to grow up to be Godzilla

This picture made a lot of people laugh including me! Bettie's standing on a toy magnetic Monkey Benders Pop Up building that I got in my stocking on Christmas a couple years ago.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Bettie with her great great great great uncle

This picture made me LOL even though I had taken it! This picture is at least a year old.

Feeding time!

Yep! That's the Levi' show every week on Sunday mornings. The only problem is our grandparents. One is dreadfully afraid of snakes, when the other is afraid of mice. So they'll probably never visit again LOL!


This is my dog Jack caught at a weird moment. Yah, this pic' looks a lot different than the one in the post "My dog Jack" I don't think he liked the flash very much. He Looks so funny!

That's Eric!

Yeah! That's one of my park day friends Eric at the Robin Hood play for the deaf two years ago. He had just gotten his D.S.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Psycho Dad!

Yeah right! That picture was taken at Disney land around 2 years ago. I guess I forgot to rotate the picture on iPhoto before posting it.

Out hunting for wabbits!

Yeah! That's me with one of my best friends John at "Park day" about a year ago. What's funny is that the cork gun doesn't shoot more than 6 feet. Oh Maybe that's why we didn't kill any!

Mom in Scotland

She looks happy! That one was at least three years ago. She went with her friend Brenda for a week. I think that the queen was actually staying at the hotel across the street.

Me and my dog!

Yeah! That was at our old house on Manor Circle about three years ago. Jacks much happier now, that back yard was way to small. There's no need to say it, I already know that I look like a hobo, but not near as much as I did in the post-"Out Hunting for Wabbits!"

Its so beautiful!

This was at my 11'th birthday. Its funny 'cause we're all looking at the cake with greedy expressions on our faces.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Mom and dad on there way to the Emmys

This was two years ago at the Emmys were dad won an Emmy for The Batman that shows on saturday mornings at kids WB.

Ron Burgundy's there to save the day!

The best comedy ever along side Hoodwinked! I kept telling my dad that he was going to love this movie, but I guess that it wasn't really his cup of tea. He liked a few parts, such as the alley fight, the "news team assemble horn" and when the guy from the other news team lost his other arm at the bear pit. He thought that was pretty funny! Click on the link to visit the official Anchorman website! Yaaah! Visit the site!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Grandparents with my sister Madeline

This picture was taken in Dallas Texas about 2 years ago. This is now their old house for their now moving to a different community in Dallas.

"Bad to the Bone" in the 50's

This was two years ago at at the 50's sockhop event in my fifth grade. That was fun!

Monday, September 25, 2006

My dad at his 2nd birthday!

Just kidding but he looks really funny. He's crazy about Maggie Moo's ice cream cakes!


That was fun, it must of been a couple Halloweens ago. That Godzilla mask was double sided so its now taped to my wall for decoration. I remember that costume being so hard to put on. It was like paper and super glue!

My sweet ride!

Yeah I wish! I think this was taken at Disneyland a couple years ago.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

My dog Jack

The best dog ever!

Me getting big air at Disney Land

This picture was taken at least 3 years ago. The picture's really upside-down.

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Leviathan

This is my first post ever made representing the blog title