This is personally my favorite comedy. First off, it's a nice clean family movie, and it entertains all with many different clever jokes that don't resort to crude humor which only brings cheap laughs that you don't remember later. There are so many parts in this movie that me and the other kids repeat over and over again because there so ingenious! The directors Cory Edwards and Todd Edwards, have always had a great sense of humor. They actually have already written the sequel to Hoodwinked. I'm not sure what it's called though. But I heard from my dad that it's like the characters go through Mission Impossible type stuff that they said they would do in the end of Hoodwinked. You know, Flipper said that Red would go to far away places, that Granny would do Impossible missions, and that Wolf and Twitchy would be under cover. So it should be really cool! Click on the link to visit the Hoodwinked website.
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