Thursday, October 12, 2006

Visit the KoRn website!

KoRn, is one of the top 100 bands on AOL music for there last outstanding album "See You On The Other Side"Presenting "Twisted Transistor, and Coming Undone". Click on the link below to visit their site!
Visit the site

Some people just aren't early risers.

This is Bettie sleeping in on a Saturday morning. It's already 2:00 in the afternoon! Ok maybe this picture was staged but it's still funny! I had had Bettie for a least 4-5 months already. The picture was taken last year, before I had moved my bed over next to the window.

Keeper of the throne

This is McKenna's beautiful Siamese cat Asia. She's taken a liking to sleeping there. So dad comes home to a hairy warm chair. And if dad happens to be in her chair, she keeps looking at him until he makes room for her.

Monday, October 09, 2006

She's hungry!

Yeah! That's Bettie eating out of the Mealworm dish. She's searching for the big juicy ones but she probably already ate them all.

The two year olds are the most dangerous!

Yep! That's what happens when you turn your back on Madeline for more than a minute. I remember mom trying to keep a strait face while telling Madeline NO.

Wants to grow up to be Godzilla

This picture made a lot of people laugh including me! Bettie's standing on a toy magnetic Monkey Benders Pop Up building that I got in my stocking on Christmas a couple years ago.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Bettie with her great great great great uncle

This picture made me LOL even though I had taken it! This picture is at least a year old.

Feeding time!

Yep! That's the Levi' show every week on Sunday mornings. The only problem is our grandparents. One is dreadfully afraid of snakes, when the other is afraid of mice. So they'll probably never visit again LOL!


This is my dog Jack caught at a weird moment. Yah, this pic' looks a lot different than the one in the post "My dog Jack" I don't think he liked the flash very much. He Looks so funny!

That's Eric!

Yeah! That's one of my park day friends Eric at the Robin Hood play for the deaf two years ago. He had just gotten his D.S.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Psycho Dad!

Yeah right! That picture was taken at Disney land around 2 years ago. I guess I forgot to rotate the picture on iPhoto before posting it.

Out hunting for wabbits!

Yeah! That's me with one of my best friends John at "Park day" about a year ago. What's funny is that the cork gun doesn't shoot more than 6 feet. Oh Maybe that's why we didn't kill any!

Mom in Scotland

She looks happy! That one was at least three years ago. She went with her friend Brenda for a week. I think that the queen was actually staying at the hotel across the street.

Me and my dog!

Yeah! That was at our old house on Manor Circle about three years ago. Jacks much happier now, that back yard was way to small. There's no need to say it, I already know that I look like a hobo, but not near as much as I did in the post-"Out Hunting for Wabbits!"

Its so beautiful!

This was at my 11'th birthday. Its funny 'cause we're all looking at the cake with greedy expressions on our faces.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Mom and dad on there way to the Emmys

This was two years ago at the Emmys were dad won an Emmy for The Batman that shows on saturday mornings at kids WB.

Ron Burgundy's there to save the day!

The best comedy ever along side Hoodwinked! I kept telling my dad that he was going to love this movie, but I guess that it wasn't really his cup of tea. He liked a few parts, such as the alley fight, the "news team assemble horn" and when the guy from the other news team lost his other arm at the bear pit. He thought that was pretty funny! Click on the link to visit the official Anchorman website! Yaaah! Visit the site!